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bella takes charge!

Leny Ewil really scores with one of our top new fetish hotties when he meets Bella Baby for a footjob! This saucy Czech blonde looks so delicious in her pink frock, nude stockings, and colorful flower-print heels. Leny comes in and he’s soon kissing her legs and worshipping her shoes and stocking-clad toes! Bella feeds him her feet and he sniffs and licks them. His cock comes out soon enough, of course, and Bella jacks it skillfully between her nylon peds. She gets Leny adoring her left foot while her right foot rubs his meat, then she puts both of her soles to work on his prick, looking up at him as she relaxes in the chair and tugs his cock from below.Bella gets Leny down on the floor and sits over him, and he continues to worship her feet. She reaches down and strokes his dick some more; and judging by her smile, she s clearly pleased that she has him exactly where she wants him. He lays across the chair with her and she strokes his huge shaft right down to the balls. She’s got him firmly in her control. It looks for one moment as if he might get to fuck her, because she brings his prick very close to her pie, but that’s not in the cards--and Bella is holding the best hand! She lays across the couch and jacks him from behind until his load sprays out on her stocking soles. Then she holds up her feet to us as an object lesson in what will happen if any man’s cock comes in contact with her irresistible size sixes!!

  • 00:26:42
  • Aug 03, 2012
  • 231


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