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her mouth is your machine!

There’s nothing like having a green-eyed Russian beauty like Sheron down on her knees in front of you, smiling gently in invitation as she kneels on the white shag carpet to take your massive dong into her agile hand. Yes, there are some days when Sheron just wants to suck, needs to suck, and keeps it straightforward with no frills or frippery but just the most dedicated and focused fellatio she can deliver. The pretty brunette loses herself in the world of your cock in this horny example of POV videos--her world, in fact, narrows to your cock--as she grasps it hard as it stretches her mouth and slides across her tongue. You stand up for a little variety, but she just keeps herself latched onto that meat no matter what the angle; perhaps losing herself in the intensity of her sucking, trying to forget her identity and just becoming your sucking machine! Women do that sometimes...

  • 00:20:04
  • May 14, 2013
  • 169


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