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lady with a tail!

You know how they say when you do a certain thing, or wear a certain piece of clothing, it becomes part of your identity? That’s kind of what happens with Samia Duarte and her flesh-colored dildo in this new House of Taboo scene, posing her sexy Spanish curves against a wall as she prepares the rubber toy with her mouth for its ultimate and thorough insertion into her big Latina booty. Samia squats on the toy and fingers her shaved pussy as the monster phallus goes deeply into her butt, and she keeps it in there so long it almost starts to seem part of her anatomy, like a tail! If anybody could keep a dildo in her ass all day long, maybe it could be Samia Duarte! She certainly seems at home with its girth as she kneels on a chair to present her stuffed bottom to us with the toy sticking out. Then afterward she spreads herself so we can gaze upon her tastily tenderized sphincter!

  • 00:27:03
  • May 13, 2013
  • 283


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