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tattoo threesome

Valerica Steele and her boyfriend Logan Xander just wanted to get matching tattoos for their anniversary. However, their tattoo artist, Joanna Angel, had something else in mind. The moment she took a look at Logan, she knew what she wanted to do. She started flirting with him behind Valerica’s back. Eventually, as she begins to tattoo Valerica, she starts sucking Logan’s dick at the same time. From there they sneak off to have a little solo fun. Joanna convinces Logan to fuck her in the back room as Valeria waits clueless. Not long after, Valerica realized what was going on. At first she was surprised but she soon got an idea and decided to join in on the fun. Valerica and Joanna shared Logan’s cock in several different positions. They squirted left and right as they orgasm several times. Once they were properly fucked it came time to reward them with a hot load.

  • 00:37:30
  • Aug 08, 2023
  • 855


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