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tats and ropes

Becky Holt finds herself in a storage space with bondage master Zor, and the heavily tattooed United Kingdom beauty is totally at his mercy as he trusses her up with his skillful rope arrangements. You’ll be able to study her tats closely in her Full HD fetish XXX video as her arms are bound behind her and her left thigh and calf are tied up in unbelievably intricate knots. Then Zor connects the ropes to a metal ring hanging from the ceiling and she is suspended over the floor. He lowers her down, changes the knots, and then suspends her again and leaves her hanging for a while, her bright red hair tumbling backward toward the floor, before she is put on her feet again and stands with her arms still bound while looking at us with sultry, almost defiant eyes.

  • 00:32:07
  • Oct 14, 2013
  • 126


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