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perfect in pantyhose

If you love girls in pantyhose, then we really have a treat for you today! Alexis Brill lounges around in bed reading a magazine, wearing a pink top and sheer black pantyhose that perfectly showcase her size 8.5 feet--and our DDF cameras capture them from every angle in this fetish XXX video! Her red-polished toenails, smooth soles, and that round Hungarian butt look so delectable through the nylon! Then lucky Thomas Stone comes home from work and immediately starts worshipping Alexiss feet through the sheer tights (as pantyhose are called in Britain), sucking her toes, kissing her heels, and moving up to her ankles and shins as well. But this is only the beginning, because soon Alexis has a yen to stroke his meat, ramping up the action in this pantyhose porn epic, sucking his cock and then ripping open her pantyhose crotch to take his huge prick into her snatch. She rides him hard but keeps sticking her feet in our direction so we can worship while she gets her slit satisfied! Alexis

  • 00:29:14
  • Oct 11, 2013
  • 511


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