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working hard for us

Chrissy has two jobs today, doing her carpentry and doing her number on US! ;) This tasty Hungarian hottie is ready for work in her plaid halter and blue denim mini, her sturdy gams in shitkickers and socks. She shows lotsa cleavage in the plunging front of her blouse and even stashes her hammer in there for a minute. She keeps squeezing her tits together in the bra, tempting us with her 34D boobs but not showing them completely yet; then gets rid of the skirt and rummages around in her panties. Her lingerie is red for sin, just like our thoughts about Chrissy! :p Finally she starts peeling aside her scanties so we can see her shaved pie and nude nips; laying back, she hoists her jugs up so we can imagine coming in for sucks. Chrissy stands and we get lots of poses of her curves as well as sideboob views. Check out her antics on the workbench as she plays with herself and gives us her knockers from every angle! You’ll especially love the shots where she’s tugging her titties up by the nubs--you can almost feel her flesh in your hands! Chrissy’s our Model of the Day.

  • 00:16:13
  • Oct 10, 2013
  • 275


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