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carnal crime scene

Bonnie Rose and Choky Ice are on the case as two police officers investigating a crime scene; but being alone in the room, they can’t help but act on their intense attraction to each other! The hardness of Choky’s billy club is only a foretaste for Bonnie of the stiff club he carries in his pants, and soon the busty blonde is down on her knees taking his meat impressively deep into her face. She bends over for fucking too, without even taking off her police cap, although every other stitch of her uniform (except for her heels) does come off. She rides his rod, blows him some more, and then takes his prong deep in her ass for some anal porn excitement that leads to a hot load all over her crotch, which she licks up while fucking herself some more with the billy club!

  • 00:25:15
  • Oct 04, 2013
  • 294


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