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heels for the healer

What most folks dont realize is that many doctors and nurses live wild sexual lives that people think only porn stars live. Its true! Many medical people, perhaps to blot out the images of human strife they frequently see, get into all sorts of erotic hijinks whenever they can, like in the examination rooms or the call rooms where they rest between their shifts! Case in point, Chrissy in the clinic in this new footjob POV video today. Youre the doctor and the Hungarian beauty can tell that youve had a particularly tough day healing people. She also knows that you have a foot fetish and that the best way to help you release your tensions is to apply pressure first with her nylon covered feet in saucy red strappy high heels, and then out of the shoes so that you can feel her soles in those stockings rubbing against your shaft. Eventually the white nylons come off so that you can enjoy her naked size 7.5 against your dick too, and the sexy closeness of her hot pink toenails near the

  • 00:12:46
  • Sep 25, 2013
  • 28


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