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bizarre garden party

When you’re the plaything of a powerful female, what else can you do but get down on your knees and simply exist as something for her to amuse herself with? This is the lesson learned by Katerina Hartlova when she is naked and bound and at the mercy of Mistress Satin Bloom, who leads her outdoors onto the grass by a leash and gets her kneeling before the power of the infamous DDF Fucking Machine. Katerina Hartlova gets boffed doggie style in this fetish XXX video of lesbian bondage antics. Then she is laid spread-eagled on her back with her 34DD breasts tied tightly to stick up as Satin holds the controls and has the Fucking Machine’s black dildo thrust back and forth into Katerina Hartlova’s pussy. Some wild overhead shots of this bizarre garden party capture the kinky action from an unusual angle, too.

  • 00:19:56
  • Sep 16, 2013
  • 736


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