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preventive cock care

Ah those nurses! At DDF Genital Hospital, they know just what kind of medicine the patients need, and the doctors, too! Even as Dr. Sabby tells his patient Thomas Stone to disrobe for a routine yearly checkup, busty Nurse Abbie Cat finds it impossible to keep her hands and lips away from the physician’s phallus. While Thomas Stone is in the changing room, Abbie Cat kneels to give Sabby some cock sucking, as well as some fantastic views of her plunging cleavage in a racy red bra. When Thomas Stone returns, she fills her mouth with his meat too!Does this come under the heading of preventive care, Nurse Abbie Cat? She moves back and forth between the two massive hard pricks, and even tries to stuff them into her mouth at once. The hot nurse with big natural tits gets her pussy licked and fingered as well. But she’s the star of the show in these sexy XXX blowjob pics, pulling big loads out of both guys all over her tongue and even down onto her ultimately bared boobies.

  • 00:18:38
  • Sep 12, 2013
  • 381


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