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slurp on her bounty

Here’s a great new scene of Joanna Bliss, the Romanian favorite of so many of our members and fans. Posing in a pink and black bikini outside at the pool today, we get treated to shots of her towering over us with her 36H cleavage, and then she leans over the edge of the pool to let her lusty lovelies practically spill out of her top. It’s great that we get lots of teasing while she’s still in her swimsuit! Finally taking out her massive tits, she stands up, leans over, and lets them swing and sway like two bodacious bells. She spritzes her sacks with liquid and gets them glistening as she peels down the bottom of her bikini to show us her snatch. But it’s the way she’s constantly presenting those gigantic glands to us in her hands as she hovers above that really make this set of nude pics and Full HD video incredibly outstanding!! Those tits are like planets, and you’ll be ready to send up an expedition of sperm rockets by the time you get to the end of this phenomenal scene when she gets into the pool and lets her nipples harden just at the water line! WOW!! Joanna is our Model of the Day.

  • 00:26:04
  • Sep 12, 2013
  • 261


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