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anita blue sucks massive chris charming cock pov blowjob all the way down deepthroat facefuck and cum swallow - wow! a++

Anita Blue. Tags: Blowjob, Deepthroat, Extreme Deepthroat, Facial, POV, Stripper

Deepthroat Devotion. In the whole history of oral sex since prehistoric women first started sucking cock in caves, few mouth-sluts have ever been more talented than the lovely Anita Blue. Notice the eyecontact as her pupils bulge and her neck strains to accept a massive amount of meat balls-deep within it. Her eyes may turn red, she might need to gasp for air but she remains completely focused on you and your desires. Even as she gags and drools she is quick to pull the hair away from her face so you can get a better more intimate view of her suck skills. She does take a short break to wipe the spit off her hands, but then it s right back to business on your cock until the cumshot in her mouth!

Deepthroat that Monster Anita!!

~Scott Hancock

  • 00:30:22
  • Aug 07, 2023
  • 179


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