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delightful decoration

Imagine yourself working in an office with Kyra Hot, the nineteen year old Hungarian beauty who delightfully decorates any environment she steps into! Despite wearing a tight low-cut red-pink minidress that shows off the top of her 36C cleavage, she accents it with a soft white jacket and looks very tasteful and workplace appropriate! Of course, when she takes off that jacket, her dynamic curves become more apparent...and more stimulating to onlookers like ourselves! ;) The spectacle heats up in her Full HD video as Kyra undresses piece by piece, tantalizing us with her bountiful titties in her pink bra, and then out of it...bending over to tease us with her cleavage, and then her big pale pink nipples! She lays back on the desk so her boobies nicely pancake, and she starts fingering her pretty peach...well, you get the idea! Our DDF cameraman captures Kyra in her nude pics from many angles, above, below, her gorgeous face and mouthwatering rack are burned into your

  • 00:26:42
  • Aug 18, 2013
  • 301


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