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wonderful and enticing

Karina Heart from the Czech Republic is so alluring, and it’s always a super-pleasure to see her showing up on our site, as she does today. In fact, as wonderful as her jugs are, she could be wearing a burlap sack right up to her neck and she would be superb stroke inspiration just with those enticing green eyes and those come-hither dimples that frame her gorgeous smile. But lucky for us in this masterpiece of big natural boobs porn, she is in a blue leopard print bikini in the sauna, giving us the visual gift of her womanly 34H-28-40 curves, unveiling her globes to tantalize us with their large pink nipples in shots that will almost look like 3D on your computer screen. Our DDF cameras get mouthwatering images of Karina pressing her small fists into the soft flesh of her huge knockers, leaning over for incredible sideboob views, and laying back to alternately let her bells pancake or to press them upward with her arms. Then she oils her tits for even more fun...don’t miss her Full HD video and nude pics, one of her best scenes yet!

  • 00:27:47
  • Aug 15, 2013
  • 416


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