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wiggly in the water

We start off this week with an extravaganza of lesbian toe sucking as three of our top models, Eva Parcker from France (shoe size 8.5), and Lexi Lowe (size 8.5) and Danielle Maye (size 9) from the United Kingdom have a poolside foot fetish party! The girls pose sexily in their bikinis and flip-flops, and soon are dipping each other’s peds in the water and getting busy with their tongues on their toes. Look for the great shots where the ladies present their six soles and thirty toes right at you! Savor the sight of Eva sucking on a smiling Lexi’s digits, and then see Lexi and Danielle return the favor by worshipping the Parcker peds at the same time! Using their toes, Lexi and Eva peel Danielle’s bikini bottom off Miss Maye’s statuesque body, and then they lick wildly on her feet. And watch Eva’s French-pedicured tootsies heating up Lexi’s pink! Enjoy these happy girls getting wet and wiggly in the water in this fetish XXX video.

  • 00:29:18
  • Aug 19, 2013
  • 354


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