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soft, firm, & massive

"Soft, firm, and massive" are the words to describe the 36E s of one of our latest big tits newcomers Leigh Darby. The mature blonde Brit absolutely loves her rack, constantly rubbing and squeezing them, squishing them together to give you maximum cleavage views. If only you could get your head or cock in between those puppies! "The Ultimate MILF" is one horny babe and if you haven t already gotten hard just looking at her titties, then for sure you will when she shares her naughty sex stories about going to swingers clubs and putting on a show sucking cock and licking pussy. She is obviously turned on as well and starts playing with her sensitive pussy with its teeny tiny trim. As the cameraman says, she s got a pussy hungry for action, so keep an eye out for her getting some, and lots of it, in the near future!

  • 00:14:06
  • Aug 20, 2013
  • 556


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