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how bad girls pay

Angell Summers has gotten on the bad side of Mistress Eva Parcker, and she pays for it by being naked and bound neck and wrists in a plastic handcuff harness, with clamps on her nipples. In classic fetish roleplay style, both ladies wear skyscraper heels. Eva whips Angell’s shaved pussy, then smacks her derriere and puts a shiny silver plug in her rosebud. Then, as this lesbian bondage encounter heats up further, Eva ties Angell hand and foot to the four-poster bed and sits on her face, before turning Angell over to give her a spanking while the butt plug is still in place. But the rigors of enslavement are only beginning in this Full HD BDSM thriller as Angell’s tongue and mouth are called to give further service both to Mistress Eva’s pussy and that shiny ass plug!

  • 00:33:01
  • Aug 05, 2013
  • 461


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