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learning on her knees

Standing outdoors, dressed in tight low-cut little dresses, United Kingdom beauties Lexi Lowe (in the black) and Danielle Maye (in the red) look as if they’ve had some kind of dispute, and Lexi has decided to settle it by asserting her dominance over Miss Maye. With her wrists bound to her neck by a plastic submissive’s collar, Danielle is helpless as Lexi holds her by her long blonde hair as she paddles the Maye cheeks through the dress. Things get more serious when Lexi lifts up the hem so that she can smack Danielle on her bare bottom, and we see every splat as Mistress Lexi clearly asserts her role as domme to sub Danielle in this lesbian bondage scene. Getting Danielle on her knees, Lexi has Danielle service her shaved pussy, before giving Danielle a stern lecture on how she had better improve her behavior!

  • 00:22:24
  • Jul 26, 2013
  • 217


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