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handle for the honey

Henessy looks tantalizing indeed in her sheer black chemise that leaves no lovely curve unseen in her 34C-26-35 body. We see her nipples pushing against the transparent fabric and her cunny slit is obvious in her pink mesh panties. Soon enough Henessy is sitting on a ladder above us pulling her pinkness apart with her red-polished fingernails. But the Russian beauty is only getting started in this horny serving of glamour porn. Next she peels down her lingerie so she’s comfy and unrestrained as she takes out a purple double dong, which she licks and sucks to get it ready for double penetration in her butt and clam. Yep, it looks like Henessy has got a handle on her crotch, and we bet she’s tight enough to clench herself so that you could carry her like a suitcase and plop her naked right onto your bed for fucking!

  • 00:17:53
  • Jul 23, 2013
  • 334


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