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nix the pink, doll

Interior decorator Savannah Secret messed up in designing your apartment. She used a little too much pink in the color scheme. You don’t like it very much at all..and you tell her that she is going have to make some changes. Pink, sheesh...that’s for girls! That’s the color of their pussies! And the color of their healthy gums as they wrap their mouths around upthrust cocks! Savannah demonstrates in this POV scene of deep throat and ball licking how sorry she is for her decorating mistakes, accepting her assignment of a “punishment blowjob” to show that she understands just how she messed up. She takes your meat into her face and gets a facial cum shot that even litters her arm, all to make amends for her thoughtlessness in thinking you would roll over and accept an abundance of inappropriate pink on your apartment walls!

  • 00:19:25
  • Jul 02, 2013
  • 221


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