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lusty lovely lips

Katia Dé Lys, dressed to kill in a tight white skirt and peep toe heels that show off her sexy gams, is busy in a warehouse inspecting a shipment of deliveries for her boss. Suddenly she notices an odd thing: a box with an unexpected hole, out of which pops a thick long prick! Well, Katia doesn’t call the postal inspector, but instead after the checking the shipping manifest realizes that this box indeed belongs exactly where it is--in front of her sultry Cuban face and inches from her lusty lovely lips! And so Señorita Dé Lys does what she feels necessary, taking that shaft in her hand, mouth, and even rubbing it against her pussy to enjoy it to the max! Watch as Katia’s tongue gets a big gooey cum load out of that faceless shaft, but then after all the cock sucking and balls licking seals up the glory hole afterward with masking tape! Until perhaps she once again has need for another hearty horny serving of beef?

  • 00:16:16
  • Jun 27, 2013
  • 247


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