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tasty in their tights

Those two gorgeous Hungarian beauties, blonde Nesty and brunette Denise, treat lucky Cristian to some serious pleasure today when they start squirming around on a couch wearing their colorful leggings and trainers. Nesty in particular looks ultra-cute with her pink stretchy tights coming out of her blue denim short-shorts, and she starts tugging Cristian’s cock between her pink-and-white sneakers while Denise sucks the meat. Happily the shoes come off quickly so we all can enjoy the sight of the girls’ bare feet, with Nesty’s size 6 peds and Denise’s size 7.5 soles doing all sorts of delightful things to their male friend’s tool. We love how Nesty uses her soles and her dark polished toes to guide the cock into Denise’s snatch for some cowgirl action, and there are great shots of Nesty stretched out so we can imagine worshipping her from soles to ass. Check out this fetish XXX video for so much great action: cocksucking, toe sucking, foot worship, and a big cum shot on Nesty’s lovely instep! Let’s make Nesty our Model of the Day.

  • 00:31:19
  • Jun 21, 2013
  • 277


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