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will she learn her lesson?

Remember those women-in-prison movies that used to be popular in the 70s and 80s? Here is a scene that would have fit in just fine in one of those flicks. Kora is tied up outdoors, naked except for her black stockings, her huge 36DDD/E Polish paps naked to the breeze, and she is subjected to the humiliation of wetting herself because she has been such a rebellious handful that she is going to stand tied up outside all by herself until she learns to be an obedient young woman. Watch the pee pour out of her onto the flagstones below, glistening on the stone with a rust-like color in the harsh sunlight. See Kora’s pouty shaved peach plump with possibility against the cool air as she stands helpless and pees a second time onto the ground. That’ll teach her a lesson here at the DDF Women’s Maximum Security Institution! View the pissing in this fetish XXX video and tell Kora that she d better mend her ways!

  • 00:05:34
  • Jun 03, 2013
  • 240


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