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fun with a speculum

Years ago there was a famous art instruction text called “Fun With a Pencil.” This new fetish XXX video and pics with Sophia Knight could be called “Fun With a Speculum,” as the British beauty visits one of the exam rooms in DDF Genital Hospital and, as soon as she gets her clothes off and her scanties tugged aside, treats us not just to a fine show of pink but also to her self-explorations with various metal pussy-inspection tools used by gynecologists. Sophia lubes herself up and then in go the probes, and your eyeballs and cock are along for the ride! Naturally, after its time in her pussy, the metal also gets licked clean by Sophia’s horny mouth. Say, we wonder if there are any gynecologists who just let their patients do the exams to themselves, while they sit to the side and stroke off?

  • 00:23:02
  • May 27, 2013
  • 177


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