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paige is vanessa s delight!

It’s Vanessa’s lucky day! She’s come all the way from Poland to have some fun with Paige Delight from Great Britain, and they can’t wait to get out of their gorgeous bra and panty sets (although they leave their nylons on) to play with a red double-dong in this sumptuous serving of big breast sex. Paige looks scrumptious as she feeds her 38Fs to Vanessa, and then rubs them against Vanessa’s ass and pussy. And Vanessa’s 34DDs give lots of enjoyment to Paige, as the girls roll around on the bed, squeezing their knockers together and licking nipples. Wild girl Paige tit-fucks the dildo while banging Vanessa with the other end--bravo! Let’s make Paige our Model of the Day.

  • 00:37:26
  • Apr 23, 2013
  • 291


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