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her body speaks millions!

Unless you can speak French, you ll have no idea what Jessyca Wilson is saying, but you won t care because she s got a rocking hot body that speaks millions for her in today s amateur casting.The black-haired beauty comes in wearing a sexy zip-up black dress that she zips right off as she does a little striptease. And then off comes her black lingerie to reveal beautiful tits, butterfly tattoo, and shaved pussy that she slips her fingers in as she sits back and opens up her legs. This may be her first time on camera with us, but certainly not her first time as she knows just how to move her body, as you ll see on 1By-Day, House of Taboo, Euro Girls on Girls, and DDF Beauties.

  • 00:05:26
  • Apr 21, 2013
  • 186


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