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sexy tranny amanda fialho has her tight asshole stretched dt345

Amanda’s a big, beautiful, tall, statuesque, hard-bodied, tattooed transsexual goddess with long blond hair, big, pouty cock-sucking lips, great tits, and a stupendous, hard, round tight ass. The scene begins with her heavily tattooed boy toy kissing and fondling her, then using his fingers to plumb the depths of her sweet little bunghole, which really gets her all wound up and compelled to give him an amazing blowjob, with some impressive, silky, no-gag-reflex deep throating. He of course returns the favor, sucking her dick until it’s gloriously rock hard. It does not take much of this back and forth before her stud decides to lay her on a table with her legs pointing to the ceiling as he stands in front of her stuffing her backdoor with his meat saber, making her moan and groan, especially when he slides a dildo into her ass along with his cock and displaying some amazing gapes. He then spins her around to a standing bent over on the table to ravage her ass from behind, much to her d

  • 00:34:21
  • Aug 25, 2023
  • 146


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