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double treat

Meg Magic conjures up impressive oral prestidigitation when you and your shaft arrive in the kitchen, where she is about to concoct coffee with whipped cream. But this delicious babe finds another use for the fluffy treat in this POV video as she anoints your shaft for a double extra-tasty cock sucking experience! Watch her deepthroat skills as she takes lots of your lengthy log into her pretty lips, even as she gradually drops off bits of her lingerie as you sample her trim and curvy bod. After all, even though the focus is her hard pumping and stroking of your tool, you can’t resist letting your fingers wander into her tight snatch or across those perky Hungarian titties. You’ll dig the balls licking action as she tugs your meat with quite a frisky hand until finally you unload all the built-up excitement, even as Meg rubs the tip of your rod all over her face before getting back to real life and making that java!!

  • 00:23:39
  • Mar 25, 2014
  • 194


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