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silky-sheathed goddess

What a pair of delectable foot fetish goddesses we have for you today! Imagine yourself as a fly on the wall--or perhaps a little mouse on the floor, looking up--or just an attentive full-size human foot admirer kneeling before them, as Lexi Lowe and Emma Leigh aka Emma from the United Kingdom get cozy with some champagne and then even cozier with their pantyhose-covered legs and feet! Enjoy the pantyhose porn as they take off each others shoes to lick and lap at their nylon-sheathed peds, with Lexi savoring Emmas size 9 beauties and Emma worshipping Lexis size 8.5 delights. They rub their feet against their bosoms as their pretty clothes come off bit by bit until we can see these two strapping young amazons (Lexis 59 and Emmas 58) slurping on their naked soles. Youll be staring and stroking non-stop as Lexi brings out a lavender toy to hold between her red-polished toes and to thrust into Emmas quim even as the redhead licks at those Lowe lovelies. Youll ache to service th

  • 00:19:41
  • Mar 31, 2014
  • 260


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