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bad as we like her

Mandy Dee might be the sweetest girl in real life, but when she’s made up for a video she captures the “bad girl” look almost better than anybody else--and that’s the way we like her best! Especially today when she tantalizes our nuts in her new big tits porn scene, where she starts off sucking on a long colorful lollipop while giving Ian Scott some serious cleavage teasing before cramming his ginormous root into her face and pussy. Nobody shoots us the “watch me fuck while you jack off” expression as well as this Russian beauty who gives off "total bitch" vibes with stunning roleplay skill. She rarely stops looking over at us with those intimidating eyes, and we love her for it as she shows us that she will get banged in the ass and take a hot titty fuck right in front of us while sending us those “keep stroking your meat” messages with her intense gaze. And yes sir, when her stud finally takes that gigantic tool out of her butt and blasts cum all over her 34DD tits, all we can do is spray ourselves in admiration for how totally she has entranced his meat--and ours--with her eyes, her boobs, her twat, and her tush!

  • 00:34:53
  • Jan 14, 2014
  • 759


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