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mouth maneuvers

Soldiers stick together out in the field, especially in today’s coed combat units. And sometimes they even take care of their erotic needs together! In today’s POV video, you enter a storage area and find your comrade Jasmine Jae. You’ve seen how her knockers shake in the top of her uniform out in the field, and you know they must be starved for attention out here on maneuvers. So you wake her up and give those boobs a little of the caressing they’ve missed. Jasmine seems delighted...even more so when your fingers slip down into her snatch. Now, how can she reciprocate? The answer is as easy as opening her mouth. Soon she’s delivering the cock sucking and balls licking and titty fucking you’ve been aching for and dreaming about. Damn how nice it is when she nuzzles your nuts, sliding down low on your sac! And she grasps your root with all the strength she’s developed in her rigorous military training. A change of position finds you plowing into her face and she’s ready for it. Jasmine belongs on the Delta Force of Blowjob Artists! You’ll understand why as you watch her do deepthroat and coax the cum out of your big dick for this lucky girl’s ultimate creamy treat.

  • 00:11:04
  • Jan 07, 2014
  • 219


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