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barefoot seductress

The stunning Lola Taylor from the Russian Federation is always a very welcome guest on our site. Here the twenty-one year old seductress returns for her first HLF solo after her debut threesome a few months back. In this new foot fetish video, Lola plays a barefoot farm girl putting up laundry in a barn. She sure looks fetching in her white two-piece outfit, and we can see right up the hem of her skirt to her naked pussy! But of course her size 6.5 feet with their dark pink polished toenails are what really get our juices flowing today. Watch how agile Lola is with her feet as she poses them many different ways, rubbing her toes together, lifting her legs up and showing us her slightly smudged soles. Would you like to lick those soles clean? If not, Lola is ready to make them fresh as a daisy for us too, wetting a cloth with water out of a pitcher and scrubbing off the dust. Her soles look so smooth it makes you think she can’t possibly be a real farm girl, but a princess who’s been carried everywhere on a litter borne by four mute foot slaves, each dedicated to making sure her tender feet never touch the ground!! She’s our Model of the Day.

  • 00:12:54
  • Jan 15, 2014
  • 200


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