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big banana time

Blanche Bradburry and Totti are two hikers who find themselves slightly lost, so they seek the shelter of an empty barn while they have a snack and check their maps. But of course it’s a short leap from Blanche eating a real banana to having her suck Totti’s meat banana. After she opens her cute plaid blouse and blue denim short-shorts, off come her turquoise bra and panties as they peel aside their clothes for lots of cunny licking, cock sucking, and fuck time fun in all the positions any horny hikers could require. Blanche looks especially good in this hardcore XXX video as she takes it from behind standing up, kneeling on a blanket for doggie style, squatting on Totti in the cowgirl position, or finally accommodating his sausage in the spoon position and receiving his cream on her nicely little trimmed patch of pubic hair.

  • 00:20:51
  • Dec 11, 2013
  • 295


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