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his doting wenches

Let us return to the distant past once again to take a peek at the sex lives of the happy male peasants who, when they were not occupied tilling the ground and supplying the aristocracy with their food stuffs, were busy stuffing their enormous schlongs into the mouths of the pretty barefoot girls who doted on their dongs! So today we have British stud Kane Turna in his native costume being the focus of the lusty oral attentions of one blonde Hungarian honey Kiara Lord, and two lovely brunettes, Henessy the randy Russian, and Bonnie Shai the Ukrainian nymph. The wenches are interrupted in hanging the laundry by the arrival of Kane, who is proof of the folk wisdom, Big hat, big dick! Because his prick is enormous, and the vixens settle upon it for cock sucking and ball licking -- and deepthroat, too, long before that latter term had even entered into the vocabulary of humanity. The girls get into some lesbian action also, but the focus remains pretty firmly on Kanes cork, which lets o

  • 00:20:14
  • Dec 26, 2013
  • 450


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