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fetish holiday feast

When you get two leggy lasses sitting around in their teeny skirts and shorts and eating ice cream, as Eve Angel and Jasmine do, well you know that’s gotta be a recipe for some messy kinky fun as captured in this fetish XXX video and nude pics! Thigh lovers in particular will go wild as the British Jasmine and Hungarian Eve have four of the lushest in the nude European model business, the kind of thighs that guys love to feel wrapped around their waists for fucking, or around their noggins for lots of lusty licking! Oh my these gals are so careless, dropping ice cream on their gams! Well, that’s what tongues were also invented for--cleaning up the splotches of cool cream on soft warm flesh. And when the ice cream moves down to the feet and peep toes of Jasmine’s pumps, Eve just has to lick the goo off Jasmine’s bare toes and wrinkled soles! It looks like such a satisfying dish that Jasmine’s soon pouring ice cream all over Eve’s soles to sample it too. Well, you gotta see it all for yourselves, chums! The ladies flex their feet and go wild with the foot worship and toe sucking, pussy lapping and sole teasing, in this true epic of fetish entertainment.

  • 00:26:45
  • Feb 05, 2009
  • 159


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