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sexual goddess riding high!

Klaudia rode the Stallion with her shaved pussy and teen tits in the DDF studios and can t wait to get back in the saddle again. She says: When they told me it was called the Stallion I figured it was going to be some lame-o sex machine with a flashy name and no pleasure payout. I could not have been more wrong. To feel the machine pounding the rubber dong into my dripping snatch again and again felt so good! The first time I eased it into my shaven haven I was worried it would strike an uncomfortable rhythm, but some of my girlfriends had told me how good it was so I kept an open mind (and pussy). Soon I was glad I had as the stroke of the mechanical pleasure giver hit my G-spot over and over! Check it out!

  • 00:11:25
  • Mar 29, 2009
  • 137


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