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busty goddess in her bath

Kira Queen is back today--that glamorous Russian goddess with the 34C-24-32 body that wont quit! This time shes in a tub, demonstrating that even divine femininity such as hers must perform the task of an ordinary mortal--bathing. With her striking blue-eyed movie star-like beauty, Kira should have three slave girls in attendance to wash her feet and back and hair, and hold her towel open when she ascends from the marble bath like an empress in one of those gladiator movies so popular in the Euro cinema of the 60s. But until that day when she seizes control of an earthly queendom and lords over in lascivious languor such fetching female minions, Kira will lather herself and rinse off with the shower attachment in her Full HD erotic video and nude pics, bending over in the bubbly water to show us her glorious derriere, and spreading and fingering her alluring pussy with her elegantly manicured fingers. All hail the Queen! We serfs can only show our allegiance with salacious spurts whi

  • 00:24:24
  • Jan 01, 2014
  • 278


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