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it s almost like 3-d

If you like sheer black pantyhose on long legs that seem to reach the sky, then you’ll be in the right place today as Nicole Smith from Hungary gives us a pantyhose show par excellence. Our DDF camera lens approaches her from below, gazing up at her leggy lusciousness, her thighs sleek under the taut hosiery, her calves curvy as she stands on her beige platform pumps. But it’s when she takes off her shoes that the main portion of the tease begins as Nicole tantalizes us with her size 7.5 red-polished beauties, rubbing her pussy under the nylon even as she flexes her feet in front of us at floor level. Standing up, she demonstrates her flexibility by licking her own right foot, then spreads her toes some more in the silky hose. Sitting on the cushioned headboard of the bed, she then showcases her butt in the sheer tights, before laying back to play with her clam and peel down the hosiery. Nicole’s feet will feel almost three-dimensional as you study them in this incredible new pantyhose porn video.

  • 00:25:18
  • Dec 18, 2013
  • 303


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