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no pussy for kid jamaica!

Housepainter Kid Jamaica learns that even with a huge cock that has banged some of the hottest models around, you don’t have a guarantee of getting pussy once a cheerfully in-control lady like Alison knows you’re willing to:Kiss and suck her toes,Brush paste on her feet and lick it off,Let her ride on your shoulders and manipulate your prick,Allow her to stand over you and crush your tubesteak against the drop cloth,Watch as she manipulates your meat from many different angles, your manly lizard just a toy between her playful pink-polished toes!!Her pussy seems miles away from your shaft, but hey, maybe Alison’s skilled soles and tugging toes are hotter than any snatch could ever be! The load you spurt on her size fives seems to confirm this, and she can’t wait to lick it up! There’s so much cream that it hangs off her lips in the final shot. If you want to see what Kid Jamaica was up to when his cock was allowed inside a pussy as well as between tootsies, check out his trio with Valentina Blue and Barbie Night back on the 4/19/10 update, too!

  • 00:25:05
  • May 16, 2010
  • 237


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