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a butt to remember!

Lilian is a classy brunette with creamy ivory skin and knowing blue eyes. If you have an extra fetish for pale girls, you’ll go wild for her; and if you like the combination of stockings and sandals, you’ll particularly enjoy this set. Even dressed simply in a teeny top, frilly pink garter belt, sheer black stockings, and orange high-heeled strappy sandals, you sense Lilian’s sophistication.Lilian is flirty and coy about her pussy at first, but meanwhile we get plenty of views of her feet in nylons and shoes as she poses on a glass table. Some of the best shots are when she leans over that table, jutting her backside at us. Taking off her top, she shows off perky tits, then removes her shoes and gives them a good sniff. We get a wide variety of poses as she lounges on the table, stretching out, putting her nylon foot on her thigh, and showing us her stocking soles. She takes off her nylons and tugs them across her body, and things really heat up when she stands on tiptoe, sticking out that saucy behind again. Closeups show her bare feet poised on the shag carpet, and then she aims her soles toward our mouths. Lilian even gives her own toes a few nibbles. All in all, you’ll want to jump into the pix and give Lilian a few nibbles yourself!

  • 00:22:31
  • Jul 27, 2010
  • 114


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