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toes in the tub!

Ivana Sugar graces us with her presence today. Wearing only a blue towel, she poses her high-arched size fives on the toilet and the tub, as well as pulling apart her nether lips to unveil her prominent shiny clitoris.Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews capture Ivana s feet in huge closeups that show you every tantalizing inch of her inviting soles. Then it s into the tub where Ivana rinses her gams and tootsies and squirts liquid soap all over, working up a creamy lather that covers her soles in bubbles. The highlight is a series of shots done from above, looking down on Ivana as she holds her feet together--with just enough room between them for a tongue or cock! But teasing us works up an appetite in Ivana for some vibrator action, and she gets out a bright red toy to plunge into her pussy while she sticks her feet in our faces so we can give her the worship she deserves.

  • 00:23:32
  • Aug 24, 2010
  • 204


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