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a perfect footjob!

Enjoy a stunning footjob performed by newcomer Jonase Rosses on lucky JJ. The busty redhead is sitting in her bathing suit in the backyard, reading a shoe fashion magazine, as JJ massages her feet.He gives her the treatment every wise woman wishes for! But after kneading and kissing her peds, he turns over the control of his cock to her agile French pedicured toes. We get some incredible closeups as Jonase manipulates his meat even as she takes off her bikini top and panties. Her quim looks hot for his cock, but JJ s johnson is so enthralled by her graceful footjobbing that he smartly lays back and lets her call the shots. Jonase wraps his shaft in her panties and foot-jacks away. Then she climbs on top of JJ cowgirl style and feeds him her titties while continuing to stroke him with her soles! It s clear from the way he plays with her pussy that he d like to pay it a visit with his rod, but on the other hand Jonase is so good at tugging him with her soles that it doesn t look as if he

  • 00:15:16
  • Sep 02, 2010
  • 165


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