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girl gets sole whipped [part 2]

We pick up where we left off last week as we present Part 2 of Laura Lee teaching Lucy Bell a few things about the price of disobedience. Stiletto-booted Laura is in dominatrix mode as before, intricately tying Lucy Bell down to the table, tightly entwining red-and-white rope between the submissive girl s toes, over her soles, and around her ankles and kneesLaura tugs on the rope and blindfolded Lucy s long French-pedicured size eights hover helplessly in the air. Laura inhales the fragrance of Lucy s feet before setting to work with a flogger on the young gal s naked soles. She whips the girl s feet over and over, and then applies the flogger s tresses to Lucy s butt as well. Laura stands on the table and rubs Lucy s feet against her own now nude pussy, using her captive as a human sex toy and bringing herself to orgasm. True, Laura poses tenderly with her victim at the end, but it doesn t look as if she s releasing Lucy anytime soon...

  • 00:16:06
  • Sep 12, 2010
  • 133


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