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foot job versus yard work!

Check out Kate Jones and Wein Lewis in a Best of classic! Kate s lounging around in her teeny pink dress and flip-flops while Lewis does some yard work with a scythe--you really shouldn t have neglected those weeds for so long, Lew!But maybe gorgeous Kate s the reason he fell behind on his chores, because he s quickly distracted by her size fives. After they share a tender kiss, Kate lays back while Lewis worships her toes, moving his tongue between them. Enormous closeups show us the silky softness of her peds, and just how lucky Lewis is to lick them!! He takes several digits in his mouth while Kate plays with her pussy and then rubs his shaft with her soles. Kate sits on his face while she jacks him off with her feet, stopping now and then to tease his tip with her toes. Just as he looks as if he s on the brink of exploding, Kate shifts positions and strokes him doggie style and then faces him, until he can t control bursts of cream that shoot across her insteps and make a gooey mess. Good work, Kate! Now those weeds will NEVER get cut down!!

  • 00:13:17
  • Sep 30, 2010
  • 173


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