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escort delivers fetish pleasures!

An encounter between Nick Lang and sultry Lioness spurs a whole other angle of fantasy, that of the perfect fetish call girl! This leggy lady plays an escort who takes Nick s money and then proceeds to give him the foot, ass, and pussy time of his life.From the moment she knowingly slips her nylon-clad peds into his trousers while he s kissing her behind, we see that we re in the presence of a gal who knows how to maximize her body parts for a man s total pleasure. We get great shots of her stocking-sheathed toes and soles jacking his dick while he licks her pussy, leading to a lot more butt kissing before she blows and fucks his dick. Every once in awhile Lioness looks right in the camera as if to say, "You d like sloppy seconds, right? Then get out some cash!" But Lioness gives a great show and you don t have to spend any more money than what you lay out for a membership to! And you can watch her antics in pix and video again and again once you join. Lioness thrusts her nylon feet at us while Nick s dick fills her pussy and ass from every conceivable position. Lioness knows we all want her, but she s first going to take off her stockings and coax Nick s cum all over her feet and legs! I d say this is a Model of the Day-worthy performance!! We get some amazing closeups of her high arches and wiggly, maroon-polished toes drenched in her client s cream. Ohmigosh...clean-up fantasies, anyone??

  • 00:30:32
  • Oct 07, 2010
  • 489


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