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i d lick her feet under water!

We have a newcomer named JULIA Assange--although since that s not her real name, but just her porn pseudonym, she s no actual relation to Julian. Still, if our Julia were running an organization herself I think it would be called PeePeeLeaks--because this curvy and stacked Czech beauty will certainly be inspiring dicks worldwide to leak in excitement when she bares her legs and feet!We see Julia sitting on the edge of a bathtub wearing only a tight white top, pink panties, and cute red flip-flops that show off her delectable toes. We get great closeups of her feet as she both stands and sits, and then she strips off her top to reveal her amazingly firm D-cups. We even get a couple of nice low angle shots, showing her firm rack to its best advantage, on our way to seeing Julia wiggle and flex her toes and soles right in our faces. Then she gets in the tub and we see her feet underwater, looking so suckable and kissable with their perfect red pedicure. How sexy it would be to hold my breath to submerge my head and kiss those feet underwater!!Julia lounges in the tub, displaying her legs from many angles and her soles in yet more closeups thanks to the ever-vigilant cameras of Denys DeFrancesco and his crews. Julia really has an amazing body, "built like a brick shithouse," as the old phrase goes, the kind of bod that launches a thousand ships and a million squirts, so we rightly also get great views of her ass, shimmering with water. But you ll pop your cork like I did over the many great closeups of her feet as she lounges in the tub or lays back on the carpet. Whew!

  • 00:20:33
  • Feb 02, 2011
  • 209


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