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Aneta Keys showing off her legs on the highest of clear lucite platforms and spiky heels. This gorgeous brunette doesn t have to do much but just stand around in those shoes to make me want to get down on my knees and kiss her legs from the tops of her thighs and over her smooth silken calves and down her ankles straight to her sweet toes peeping out of the front of the shoes.Those amazing platforms are almost like parts of her anatomy, and it s clear from her confident expressions that she knows we will do what s required of us as leg lovers: get down on the floor, even if only in fantasy, to kiss her feet as she looks down at us and smiles! She peels off her silvery thong panty and we get glimpses of her pussy and asshole too, but Aneta knows what we re really waiting to see, and at the end of this comparatively brief but potent set, she takes off her shoes to fully flash her bare toes. Which I deemed a perfect occasion--for an hour of masturbation!!

  • 00:21:36
  • Mar 02, 2011
  • 219


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