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ladies have a lusty lick-a-thon!

Mandy Dee and Zafira, dressed to tease and please in sheer black calf-high leggings and flirty open-toed high heels. Mandy wears striking gold mules, and Zafira has pink slingback platforms. These shoes show off twenty sweetly polished toenails indeed as the girls explore each other completely.Mandy peels off Zafira s leggings and sniffs them, then the brunette rubs her pretty peds against Mandy s mams. Mandy gets down on the floor to worship her friend s feet, then in an unusual move she puts a new pair of leggings on Zafira--pink ones this time. Zafira wiggles her toes while Mandy licks her pussy, then the blonde tugs the pink leggings further up Zafira s legs as we wonder where this pictorial is going to go next.Mandy really admires Zafira s feet and she shares her admiration with us in several closeups. Then around Zafira s right big toe, she places a pink ring, which has some kind of jewel which can be used to stimulate nipples and clits. Mandy stands up and Zafira rubs her new toe-ring against the blonde s shaved pussy. The DDF cameras go in close to capture the action as Zafira rubs against Mandy s mound and against her boobs, too. Then Zafira sucks her own right foot while her left one masturbates Mandy s slit. Mandy rubs Zafira s pussy through the crotch of the pink leggings, and then she joins Zafira in making love to the brunette s right foot. The action just keeps moving in many different directions in this unusual set of pix and HD video! Don t miss it.

  • 00:32:30
  • Apr 11, 2011
  • 308


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