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cool relentless toe teaser!

Check out Ginger in a classic Best of HLF solo set. She reminds me a little of the mainstream actress Gina Gershon, but I think Ginger is prettier. But, as Ginger poses her feet here, she exhibits the same cool relentlessness of Miss Gershon s movie performances.Ginger sits on the edge of a tub, showing off her shiny shapely legs on backless slides. She dangles the shoes, then thrusts her bare soles at us, curling, flexing, and splaying her polished toes. You will feel well-acquainted with the bottoms of Ginger s feet after studying her set, with closeups which show every little wrinkle in her high-arched soles. Ginger leans against the tub, bending her feet backward against the floor; then she dangles her shoes some more, and we see intimately not only her ankle bracelet, but also the impressions her toes have made on the insoles of her slides.Ginger has a somewhat cold expression on her face, as if she s tolerating us as we lay naked on our bellies in front of her, rubbing our dicks against the floor in awe of her hot feet. At least that s the fantasy that went through MY pervy mind! Ginger takes down her short skirt and tantalizes with her ass a bit, but then she sits on the floor and thrusts her feet at us with no shoes at all.

  • 00:07:38
  • May 25, 2011
  • 202


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